Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds

DCD specialise in the building of Passive Homes – but what does that actually mean? A Passive House is a house that has been designed to use as little energy as possible to keep the occupants warm, comfortable and thereby healthy. As a result, Passive Houses are typically about 90% more efficient than regular houses […]

“Eco-Wonderous Homestead”, Mountain Scene, 14 February, 2019

The Mountain Scene (Feb 14, 2019) reports on DCD’s passive house in Queenstown. Phillip Chandler reports on high-performing features that work together to create a near Passive House that evokes Turn-of-the-Century farming estates. The full article can be read here. The New Zealand Herald ran the article (with added images) on 18 February and can […]

How to Build a Passive House

Dennis Dowling talks how to build a passive house with Matthew Cutler Welsh of Home Style Green. Matthew Cutler Welsh interviews Dennis Dowling, director of DCD, on the basic principles of building to Passive House level. “If you’re looking to build a healthy, energy efficient home, then you want to find a building company like […]